Osho lover
Osho lover

osho lover

According to Sheela, Osho was also hooked on drugs. He specifically asked those who held important positions in the ashram to get sterilised. When Osho established his ashram in Pune, he encouraged abortions and sterilisations because he did not want children to crowd the limited space. When Vivek became pregnant with Osho’s child, which Sheela claims Vivek planned on purpose to teach the guru a lesson, Osho got the pregnancy aborted and Vivek sterilised. Sheela describes how he carried on a long-standing sexual relationship with his attendant, Christine Woolf, a suicidal British national whom he renamed Vivek, and hints at his multiple sexual liaisons with other sanyasins. It shows him as an exploitative and manipulative guru who used the respect and goodwill he commanded to expand his fortune. The book reveals some scandalous details about Osho and life in his communes. Titled Don’t Kill Him, it chronicles Sheela’s life with Osho and the period after she left him. The translation was published earlier this year in India. Hahn urged Sheela to let her translate the book into English. Some years ago, one such sannyasin, Christel Hahn, read a memoir Sheela had written in German in 1996 about her experiences with Osho. Occasionally, some sanyasins from the past come visiting. Here, living in the countryside of Maisprach, she is cut off from the world of Osho sanyasins that she was once at the heart of. She lives in one of the homes, and with a staff of 24 helpers, takes care of its 29 patients. She lives in Switzerland, where she runs two homes for the elderly and mentally challenged. Ma Anand Sheela is now known as Sheela Birnstiel (taking her last name from late husband Urs Birnstiel).

osho lover

She was simply role-playing, being deliberately obnoxious on Osho’s say-so, because controversies were a sure way of nourishing the cult. She says, during a Skype conversation, that even in those days she was nothing like her media appearances. Reminis- cing about the past, Sheela, now a sober 63, ever so often arches her back in the chair, and not able to contain herself, emits a hearty laugh. There is no makeup and none of the gaudy jewellery of her past avatar. Bespectacled and silver-haired, she always wears a smile when she speaks.

osho lover

Osho lover tv#

In another well-remembered TV appearance, she got into an altercation with an interviewer and called him “a worthless man who visits prostitutes and has pimps for friends.” While drawing parallels, during the interview, between the marketing aspect of Osho’s cult and those of the Vatican and Christianity, she said, “They (the Vatican clergy) are lousy businessmen… They are lousy lovers too. She said, “How do you get four Germans and 500 Jews into a Volkswagen? Two Germans in front, two at the back, and 500 Jews in the ashtray.” A TV anchor got shown the middle finger on air. Asked to comment once by a television channel on Osho’s anti-Semitic remarks, she responded with a racist joke. 357 Magnum handgun and even tried to rig the local county elections so that candidates favourably disposed to the commune could be elected. When she ran the infamous Rajneeshpuram commune in Oregon in the 1980s, she would carry a. Feisty, possessing an acid tongue and, like her master, a flair for controversy. That was how the second-in-command of the cult of Rajneeshism was. She said, “What can I say, tough titties.” The interviewer, Ian Leslie of Nine Network’s 60 Minutes, somewhat alarmed at the expansion of the cult in Australia, had asked Sheela, why she was in the country when no one wanted her. He had also drawn infamy for his vast collection of Rolls-Royces and expensive watches. He was known for his liberal views on sex and there were rumours of orgies in his communes. Osho, or Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh as he liked to call himself, was a controversial figure by then. In 1985, when Indian spiritual guru Osho Rajneesh was trying to expand his influence in Australia, an Australian television network had interviewed his then secretary, Ma Anand Sheela. An encounter with Ma Anand Sheela, Osho’s former personal secretary and author of a controversial bare-all memoir

Osho lover